FDA, dün sağlık mensuplarına yayınladığı uyarıda rotavirus hastalığından koruduğu söylenen GSK nın ROTARIX aşısını hakkındaki bilgiler tam olarak öğrenilinceye kadar kullanmamalarını istedi.

Yapılan çalışmalarda ROTARIX içinde DOMUZ circovirus tip 1 (PCV1) DNA sı olduğu gösterildi. FDA doktorlara ve hastalara ilk doz Rotarix'i almış olanların daha sonraki 2 dozu RotaTeq ile tamamlamalarını istedi.

Türkiyede tek dozu 142.32 TL olarak 6 haftalıktan itibaren kullanılmasına müsaade edilen ROTARIX'in prospektüsünde içinde domuz PCV1 DNA sı olduğu bildirilmemekte. Prospektüsünde aşının insan rotavirus RIX4414 suşundan elde edildiği söylenmekte.


FDA asks doctors to temporarily halt use of Rotarix vaccine

FDA asks doctors to temporarily halt use of Rotarix vaccine

By David Brown
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 23, 2010; A09

Officials at the Food and Drug Administration advised physicians Monday to temporarily stop using Rotarix, a vaccine commonly given to children to protect them against the stomach bug rotavirus, because it is contaminated with traces of a second virus.

The contaminant, called PCV-1, is a DNA virus that infects pigs and other species but is not known to cause illness in humans or any other animals. The virus appears to have come from the cell cultures used to make Rotarix.

"There is no evidence this poses a safety risk," Margaret A. Hamburg, FDA commissioner, told reporters in a telephone briefing.

The contaminant was found by a team of independent researchers testing a new way to screen vaccines for impurities. Rotarix's maker, the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline, was told of the finding in early February. Both it and the FDA have since confirmed the presence of PCV-1 in the vaccine, which is given in two oral doses to infants between 6 and 24 weeks old.

Hamburg said the FDA is not pulling Rotarix off the market, and that even asking doctors to suspend its use for the moment "was not an easy call." After consulting with scientists at the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as officials at the Department of Health and Human Services, "We felt that the judicious thing to do was to make a pause and try to determine what this virus was doing in the vaccine and how it got there."

Rotavirus can cause vomiting and watery diarrhea in infants and children. Globally, it is one of the more serious infections of infancy, causing about 500,000 deaths a year. While deaths number fewer than 100 in the United States, the virus was responsible for about 50,000 pediatric hospitalizations annually before the vaccine came into common use.

Rotarix was licensed in 2008. Another rotavirus vaccine, RotaTeq, made by Merck, came on the market in 2006. FDA officials suggested that pediatricians use it rather than Rotarix for the time being.

Although the FDA is recommending that doctors avoid Rotarix, Hamburg said she realizes health agencies in other countries may not agree with that advice, especially if an alternative vaccine isn't available.

Thomas Breuer, the chief medical officer of GSK Biologicals, said the pharmaceutical house "is committed to patient safety and to the highest manufacturing standards for all our vaccines and medicines," according to a company statement.

A GSK spokeswoman, Sarah Alspach, said the company "has elected to stop distribution and shipment of Rotarix and will not accept customer orders . . . until further notice." The vaccine is made at a plant in Belgium. Worldwide sales in 2009 were $440 million, with $118 million -- or about 30 percent of the total -- in the United States.

Alspach said the company "is now reviewing how best to replace, in a timely way, the cell bank and virus seeds used as base production material." Preliminary tests of GSK's inactivated polio vaccine, which is also made in cell culture, has not found the contaminating virus.

PCV-1 stands for "porcine circovirus type 1." A related virus, PCV-2, can cause a "post-weaning multisystem wasting syndrome" in piglets.

FDA officials said they were uncertain whether whole PCV-1 viruses were present in the vaccine or just pieces of DNA left over from the manufacturing process. The agency will convene a meeting of experts in about six weeks to review the results of its and GSK's investigation.

Neither government nor company officials would identify the "academic researchers" who found the contaminants. Those scientists are reportedly preparing a scientific article on their new method of screening vaccines.

Rotarix is a "live" but weakened strain of rotavirus. Such vaccines are often harder to purify than ones containing only fragments of a virus. In a guide for manufacturers released last month, FDA regulators noted that "comprehensive testing and qualification of the biological starting materials and lot-by-lot testing for adventitious [unwanted] agents are particularly important" for such vaccines.




Uzun sure bifosfonat (osteoporoz ilac) kullananlarda kemik kırıkları önleneceğine artmakta. ABD de senelik Ortopedi kongresinde (11 mart 2010, abs 241 ve 339) takdim edilen 2 çalışmada 4 seneden daha uzun sure bifosfonat kullananlarda kemik kalitesinin bozulduğu ve u kadılnlarda garip kemik kırıkları ortaya çıktığı açıklandı. Uzun sure bifosfanat kullananlarda kemik heterojenezitesi bozulmakta, biyopsilerde kemikte aşırı yaşlanma tesbit edilmekte. Bu konuda FDA’in alacağı karar merakla beklenmekte.

Klinik Farmakoloji Derneği ağ sayfasından alınmıştır.


AVANDİA lehine yazan yazarların GSK ile çıkar ilişkisi ortaya konuldu

AVANDİA lehine yazan yazarların GSK ile çıkar ilişkisi ortaya konuldu

BMJ de yayınlanan yeni bir araştırma (BMJ 2010;340:c1344) GSK nın Avandiasını kalp krizine yol açtığı 2007 yılından beri bilinmesine rağmen, destekleyen araştırmacıların çoğunun GSK ile aralarında maddi bağlar (!) olduğunu ortaya çıkarttı. Araştırmacıların değerlendirdiği 202 çaışmanın 108 (%53) tanesinde çıkar ilişkisi notu ve 90 araştırmacının (araştırmacıların %45 i) GSK ile çıkar ilişkisi olduğunu ortaya koymuş. Çıkar ilişkisi bulunan 90 çalışmanın 69 tanesinde bu ilişki açıklanmış, 21 çalışmada ise firma ilişkisi saklanmıştır (bunlardan 3 tanesinde çıkar ilişkimiz yok denilerek doğru olmayan beyanda bulunmuştur). Çıkar ilişkisi bulunan çalışmaların yanlız 6 tanesi Avendia aleyhine bulunmuştur.

Published 18 March 2010, BMJ 2010;340:c1344

Association between industry affiliation and position on cardiovascular risk with rosiglitazone: cross sectional systematic review

Amy T Wang, resident in internal medicine1,2, Christopher P McCoy, chief resident in internal medicine1, Mohammad Hassan Murad, assistant professor of medicine1,2,3, Victor M Montori, professor of medicine1,2,4 1 Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, 2 Knowledge and Encounter Research Unit, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, 3 Division of Preventive, Occupational and Aerospace Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, 4 Division of Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA


Objective To explore a possible link between authors’ financial conflicts of interest and their position on the association of rosiglitazone with increased risk of myocardial infarction in patients with diabetes. Data sources On 10 April 2009, we searched Web of Science and Scopus for articles citing and commenting on either of two index publications that contributed key data to the controversy (a meta-analysis of small trials and a subsequent large trial). Data selection Articles had to comment on rosiglitazone and the risk of myocardial infarction. Guidelines, meta-analyses, reviews, clinical trials, letters, commentaries, and editorials were included. Data extraction For each article, we sought information about the authors’ financial conflicts of interest in the report itself and elsewhere (that is, in all publications within two years of the original publication and online). Two reviewers blinded to the authors’ financial relationships independently classified each article as presenting a favourable (that is, rosiglitazone does not increase the risk of myocardial infarction), neutral, or unfavourable view on the risk of myocardial infarction with rosiglitazone and on recommendations on the use of the drug.

Results Of the 202 included articles, 108 (53%) had a conflict of interest statement. Ninety authors (45%) had financial conflicts of interest. Authors who had a favourable view of the risk of myocardial infarction with rosiglitazone were more likely to have financial conflicts of interest with manufacturers of antihyperglycaemic agents in general, and with rosiglitazone manufacturers in particular, than authors who had an unfavourable view (rate ratio 3.38, 95% CI 2.26 to 5.06 and 4.29, 2.63 to 7.02, respectively). There was likewise a strong association between favourable recommendations on the use of rosiglitazone and financial conflicts of interest (3.36, 1.94 to 5.83). These links persisted when articles rather than authors were used as the unit of analysis (4.69, 2.84 to 7.72), when the analysis was restricted to opinion articles (6.29, 2.15 to 18.38) or to articles in which the rosiglitazone controversy was the main focus (6.50, 2.56 to 16.53), and both in articles published before and after the Food and Drug Administration issued a safety warning for rosiglitazone (3.43, 0.99 to 11.82 and 4.95, 2.87 to 8.53, respectively).

Conclusions Disclosure rates for financial conflicts of interest were unexpectedly low, and there was a clear and strong link between the orientation of authors’ expressed views on the rosiglitazone controversy and their financial conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies. Although these findings do not necessarily indicate a causal link between the position taken on the cardiac risk of rosiglitazone in patients with diabetes and the authors’ financial conflicts of interest, they underscore the need for further changes in disclosure procedures in order for the scientific record to be trusted.

Klinik Farmakoloji Derneği ağ sayfasından alınmıştır.
